Be an Earth Day Hero | Save the Planet with a ZeroWater Filter

April 19, 2023

Happy Earth Day! Last year, we gave you practical tips to reduce your environmental impact but in 2023, there’s still more work to be done. As of today, there are still 8 million tons of plastic entering the oceans every year. Our oceans and planet can’t afford another year of plastic pollution—especially single-use plastic like disposable plastic bottles which account for nearly 40% of all plastic waste.

Plastic is costing us big time–environmentally and physically. So today, we’ll explore the impact of single-use plastic and how switching to water filtration devices can make a positive impact on the environment.

What’s the impact of single-use plastic bottles on the planet?

Humans are collectively using 1.2 million plastic bottles per minute. Of those 1.2 million plastic bottles, 91% are not recycled and roughly half of the planet’s annual plastic production is used for single-use products.

Even more shocking, of the single-use plastics that aren’t recycled, 85% end up in landfills. Single-use plastics are not easily degraded into the natural environment and can leach microplastics and other unwanted elements into our land, soil, and water. The consequence of one single-use plastic bottle can take centuries to remedy.

How can I reduce my single-use plastic waste?

Small behaviors can make a big impact when it comes to plastic usage. One of the best ways to reduce your plastic waste in 2023 and beyond is to put down single-use plastic bottles and pick up a ZeroWater filtration device. Water filters are a more sustainable choice because you only need to have one device and it has the capacity to filter hundreds of gallons of water per year.

One ZeroWater 5-stage filter can prevent up to 300 single-use plastic bottles from reaching the landfill. Each 5-stage filter has an advanced ion exchange technology that’s NSF-certified to reduce lead, chromium, PFOA/PFAs as well as 99.6% of total dissolved solids (TDS) in water. The result is delicious-tasting water while reducing your environmental impact.

Our sustainability promise

By choosing ZeroWater, you could save hundreds of single-use plastic bottles per year without sacrificing the taste and experience of your water. Our products are also low-waste by design. We recently transformed our screw-on-top lids into a yogurt lid style. This change helps us further reduce the amount of plastic our filters use by 20%! This change alone helps our company save 357,000 pounds of plastic each year or about 16.2 million single-use plastic bottles.

And once customers are done with their filters or devices, we offer a recycling program to help those products stay out of the landfill. You can recycle your filters by sending them directly to our recycling facility. Seasoned professionals will take your cardboard boxes, plastics, and resins and help them become something new. We recycle more than 10,000 filters annually and will continue to reduce the impact of our already low-waste products to realize a more sustainable future.

Choose ZeroWater this Earth Day!

Do your part to make enjoying delicious-tasting water more sustainable with our array of eco-friendly filtration devices. As mentioned earlier, our 5-stage filtration devices remove virtually all total dissolved solids (TDS), like salts, minerals, and metals from water. And our filters are the only filters NSF-certified to reduce lead, chromium, and PFOA/PFOs in regular tap water. We’re proud to make products that help you and your family reduce your waste for a healthier, happier life this Earth Day and beyond.