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How Does Temperature Affect the Taste of My Drinking Water?

Have you ever noticed that warm water tastes slightly acidic while cold water tastes more alkaline? You’d be surprised to know that it’s not all in your head. There’s a good reason why warm and cold water taste so different.
By Marketing Team
6:16 PMMay 17, 2022
How Does Temperature Affect the Taste of My Drinking Water?

How Does Temperature Affect the Taste of My Drinking Water?

Have you ever noticed that warm water tastes slightly acidic while cold water tastes more alkaline? You’d be surprised to know that it’s not all in your head. There’s a good reason why warm and cold water taste so different and it’s partially because of the minerals found in them.

Cold water can numb your taste buds causing you to not notice the taste of chlorine and fluoride. While warm water can make you notice the taste of sodium and calcium more in your tea, coffee, and soup. The truth is, better-tasting water isn’t about temperature. It’s about the minerals found in the water.

In today’s article, we’ll explain how minerals, salts, and other compounds affect the taste of your water and how to remove 99% of them.

How Do Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Impact the Taste of Water?

Total dissolved solids (TDS)* is the measurement of all non-organic and organic sediments found in water. The most common sediments include minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and sodium chloride as well as salts and other organic compounds. These sediments naturally occur in water after it filters through bedrock and soil.

A certain amount of dissolved solids in water can be normal but problems start when levels of TDS increase beyond what would accumulate naturally. Thus, measuring and monitoring your TDS levels can make a big difference in the taste, quality, and experience of your water.

High levels of TDS can make water look and taste;

  • cloudy
  • opaque
  • salty
  • metallic
  • bitter

It can also have an impact on your water systems by;

  • Corroding pipes and fixtures
  • Shortening the lifespan of your water-using appliances like tea kettles and coffee makers

Removing as much TDS as possible from your water can greatly improve its taste and smell. It can also preserve your water-using appliances for many years to come.** Most importantly, it can provide a more enjoyable experience for you and your family.

What kind of problems can occur with increased levels of TDS?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations, it’s recommended to have fewer than 500 mg/L (500 ppm) of TDS in water supplies to avoid issues with taste, odor, and color.** However, you may notice these problems at even lower levels.

How to look for TDS in your water

One of the best ways to monitor your TDS levels is to use a TDS water meter. This device can help measure how many parts per million of TDS are in each glass of water. If you’re curious about whether your local tap water needs to be measured for TDS, punch in your zip code in our online TDS measuring tool and you’ll discover the TDS score in your area.

Why Does My Tap Water Taste Like Chlorine?

For many cities, adding chlorine to water is an essential part of providing clean drinking water. Many public water systems add chlorine (a process known as “chlorination”) to disinfect and kill harmful microorganisms that can cause illnesses like typhoid, cholera, and hepatitis. While chlorine is not harmful to consume, many people prefer drinking water without chlorine. That’s where removing or filtering out these compounds can be a great option for better-tasting water.

How to Get the Purest Tasting Water by Removing TDS and Contaminants

If drinking water without certain elements is important to you, we recommend removing unwanted contaminants by using a water filtration system. There are two types of filtration systems available.

One is a 2-stage filter. These filters are often found in the form of water pitchers. They’re good for filtering some contaminants, but not all. In fact, the leading 2-stage filtration device only removes 50% of the TDS found in water. And they often cannot reduce the amount of lead, PFOA/PFOS, or chromium in water. The result is partially pure-tasting water with a high TDS score.

A better option would be a 5-stage filtration system. This filtration system is more advanced and removes 99% of TDS like asbestos, chlorine, cyanide, and fluoride.*** Plus, it significantly reduces the amount of lead, PFOA/PFOs, and chromium left behind.

Needless to say, a 5-stage filter will ensure your water is as pure-tasting as possible with the least amount of TDS remaining.

To ensure you have the purest-tasting water, keep your TDS level at 006 or below. If it’s above that number, it’s probably time to change your filter.***


Now that we know how temperature and TDS affect your water, the power is in your hands to monitor, filter, and finally, enjoy the taste of your water.

Get the purest tasting water by using a 5-stage Filtration pitcher or dispenser. Our water filters are the only pour-through water filters NSF-certified to reduce PFOA/PFOS, lead, and chromium. Have better-tasting water every day with our no-stress water filtration systems.

* Total Dissolved Solids (“TDS”) are organic and inorganic materials, such as metals, minerals, salts, and ions dissolved in water. TDS can affect the taste and appearance of water.

** Some TDS contaminants and compounds may not be present in your water.

*** Filter life can be affected by tap water conditions and filter life may vary.