ZeroWater is proud to offer more ways to enjoy superior drinking water filtration. Our technology focuses on reducing dissolved solids, chlorine and other sediments such as lead or chromium. We are continuously looking for ways to diversify our technology so that you can find a water filter that best fits your needs.
Dissolved solids in tap water can differ from location to location. Depending on how high your TDS levels in your natural water sources are, a different filter should be considered. Longevity of our filters highly depends on the water quality.
The three filtration systems we have developed include:
Our premium 5-stage water filter reduces 99.6% of the total dissolved solids (TDS) in your tap water.
The EcoFilter provides basic chlorine filtration technology without a plastic shell and lasts 3x longer than conventional water filters.
The ExtremeLife™ Faucet Mount filtration system is certified to reduce PFOA/PFOS, Chlorine & Particulates Class I and lasts 4x times longer than other leading brands.
In this article we will take you through the unique product features of each, and will provide you with the intel you need to make the right decision on which filter to invest in.
Premium 5-stage Filtration
Our premium 5-stage water filtration removes 99.6% of all dissolved solids from your tap water – more than any other leading brands. Our system is also the only pour through filter NSF certified to reduce lead, chromium & PFOA/PFOS.
Every 5-stage water filtration pitcher includes a free TDS Meter to check the levels of dissolved solids before and after filtering your drinking water - so you can be confident that you are drinking the purest tasting water.
The premium 5-stage water filter is also certified for the reduction of PFOA/PFOS. PFOA/PFOS generally refers to Perfluorooctanoic Acid and is a man-made chemical most commonly found in Teflon. PFOA has been linked to cancer and can stay in the environment for an extended period. Therefore, it’s very common that PFOA can be found in water, and filtering it out before consumption should be top-of-mind for every water drinker.
EcoFilter from ZeroWater
In areas with high chlorination, it’s all about doing what’s good – for you, your family, and the environment. The EcoFilter simply reduces chlorine taste and odor in your tap water - all this without a plastic shell and lasting 3x longer than conventional water filters. Due to its longevity and no-plastic shell filter technology there is less plastic waste to dispose of once your filter has expired and hence enables you to reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying great-tasting water.
ExtremeLife Faucet Mount from ZeroWater
The ExtremeLife™ Faucet Mount filter packs a punch - it reduces lead, PFOA/PFOS and chlorine. With an average of a 400 gallon filtration capacity, this filter delivers 4x the filter life as other leading brands.
Our faucet mounts fit most industry standard faucets and come in two colors - a sleek chrome and a white design - to perfectly fit in with your décor. The ExtremeLife Faucet Mount by ZeroWater filters 4x more chlorine, PFOA/PFOS, and lead than the leading brands, which can be incredibly important for areas with high impurities in the water. We have tested in 3rd party labs and met the minimum reduction levels for Lead 6.5 and 8.5pH.
To recap the ZeroWater technology, across the premium 5-stage, Eco-, and ExtremeLife filters each offer unique and practical solutions to provide great-tasting water.
As a reminder, you should always look at your unique circumstance and your preferred water delivery method to determine which filter to purchase. Furthermore, we recommend looking into your local water source and determining which level of filtration makes the most sense.

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